Annual Module Report

What is RFAM’s Annual Module Report?


RFAM’s Annual Module Report (AMR) is an exclusive feature for current RFAM members to receive a custom document prepared by our team analyzing trends, benchmarking and providing recommendations when it comes to key features of:

  • Inventory

  • Level of Service

  • Lifecycle Planning

  • Energy Efficiency

  • Risk/Safety Management.

  • Facility Condition Index


Our Team will review your organizations progress over the last year and provide you with a detailed report that can be shared with board members, council and stakeholders to review the organizations commitment to Asset Management, Public Safety, and Sustainability.


Take an opportunity to reflect and share progress that has been made, and plan for future areas improvement by participating in AMR.

 View a sample of what an annual AMR report would look like:


Are you a current RFAM member interest in learning more?
(905) 458-6686

30 Intermodal Drive
Brampton, ON L6T 5K1


“Software of choice for the management of facilities and open spaces.”